IT-Days præsentationer på Erhvervsakademi Århus

Datamatiker, Erhvervsakademi Århus
En udvalgt skare af i alt lidt mere end 60 mennesker får i morgen fornøjelsen at høre Michael Stensgaard Fosgerau dele ud af sin viden og erfaring på Erhvervsakademi Århus‘s IT-Days arrangement. Emnerne er som beskrevet herunder – på engelsk, da det er sproget der vil blive præsenteret på.

For yderligere detaljer om IT-Days og det øvrige program, se IT-Days brochuren her.

9:00-10:30: SOLID (AS.12)

An introduction to the SOLID OOD principles and IoC – Methods to improve your code quality and robustness. In this presentation the five basic Object Orientented Design principles from SOLID are presented. Using principles intends to make it more likely that you as a programmer will create systems and code that are much easier to maintain and extend over time.

11:00-12:30: SECURITY CONCERNS (AS.12)

You and your code are hacker targets – Learn about simple security exploits and advanced intrusion attacks through real life examples and case studies. Learn how to incorporate and think about your security while programming, and where the common pitfalls and dangers are. What are your systems potential security issues and flaws. And as a side effect; Also learn a thing or two about how a hacker thinks, acts and exploits your systems and programs.